czwartek, 11 marca 2021

After Class Post (Next week's assignment)

 You should come up with three (or more if you want) potential topics for your academic outline.

These topics should be related to something you are studying or have studied after high school. For the purposes of the class, “academic” is defined as requiring some specialized knowledge on the part of the audience to be understood. The best topic is something you have a personal academic interest in. For a student of ethnolinguistics, acceptable topics can be related to:


-your specialist language (Spanish, Chinese, Thai, Khmer, Persian etc)

-some other class you have taken in the institute.

The topic can be related to (this list is not exhaustive):





If you have studied or are studying outside the institute then you may choose a topic related to that.

You should submit your topics (all at the same time) on google docs (link below)

For each topic, indicate what studies it is related to and what specialized knowledge is required (this can be fairly general like “linguistics” or “the French language”

The format should be as follows (these are examples):


Topic: Person marking in Muskoghean languages

Related to: Linguistics

Specialized knowledge required: basic understanding of linguistics; knowledge of a Muskoghean (or more broadly Native American) language.


Topic: Morphological processes in sign languages

Related to: Linguistics

Specialized knowledge required: basic understanding of linguistics; knowledge of a natural sign language.


When you're ready post it at the link below the jump: (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

Deadline: March 16, 2021 (20.00)



Here's the link to post your topics:

Here's another version of the link:


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