środa, 28 marca 2018

Classes and Office Hours this Week

Tomorrow class will be scheduled like always. Any class time not used for academic presentations will be converted into office hours.

In addition I will have additional office hours tomorrow from 13.00-14.00 (212b or 209b).

Office hours on Friday are cancelled.

See y'all in class!

środa, 21 marca 2018

Class Schedule for March 22, 2018

This week....

The first class 09.45-11.15 will not meet as a class, but that time will be turned into extra office hours (especially for academic presentation outlines).

The second class 11.30-13.00 will meet and will begin the thrilling spectacle of academic presentations....

See y'all in office hours (first group) or class (second group)!

środa, 14 marca 2018

Class notes on March 15, 2018

This week we will continue (and... finish?) general interest presentations!
Yay! Hooray!
Any leftover time will be turned into office hours (priority given to academic presentations).