wtorek, 17 grudnia 2019

Class Materials for December 19, 2019

For this week, you'll need two (2) things.

The first is here.

The second is here.

Also, since the holidays are approaching, feel free to bring Christmas Cheer in the form of baked goods and liquid refreshments!

See y'all in class!

wtorek, 22 października 2019

piątek, 28 czerwca 2019

Office hours for the summer

My office hours will be be appointment until further notice.

Send an email to my amu edu pl address and we'll work out a time to meet.

Have a great summer!

niedziela, 23 czerwca 2019

Office hours for the week of June 24-28, 2019

This week, my office hours will be Thursday

12.00-14.00 in 209b

If you need to meet at another time send me an email (amu edu pl address) and we'll work something out...

niedziela, 16 czerwca 2019

Office hours update for the week of June 17-21

Okay I have more information on when I will be having office hours this week (based on updated information on the exam schedule). I apologize the changes if they're inconvenient.

Monday 12.00-14.00

Wednesday 11.00-13.00

Both (as usual) in 209b.

If you're bringing written assignments, then be sure to bring a pendrive so you can make last minute changes and reprint them.....

If you absolutely need to, I might be able to meet Tuesday afternoon, write by email if that's the case.

środa, 12 czerwca 2019

Class Announcement for June 13, 2019

There seems to be some confusion about my announcement last week (June 06, 2019).

Allow me to clarify.

Each student falls into one of two groups.

Group P: You've passed the other sections of English to take the exam in June and you've done your spoken presentations (General Interest and Academic) and your attendance is okay in my class.

Group O: All others....

If you belong to Group P, then you don't have to finish any more written assignments before the exam. Any you have done (or will complete by Wednesday Jun 19, 2019) will help your grade but they are not required.

If you belong to Group O then don't worry about doing written assignments for the time being. I'll decide what to do with you on a case by case basis.

Office hours:

I will be having Office Hours

Friday June 14, 2019 12.00-13.30

Monday Jun 17, 2019 11.00-12.30

Wednesday June 17, 2019 10.30-12.00

Office hours will be in 209b as usual.

See y'all in class!

środa, 8 maja 2019

Class Materials for May 09, 2019

This week, you don't need to download and print anything just show up and be ready to talk (among other things).

See y'all in class!

wtorek, 7 maja 2019

Office Hours on Sports Day...

On Sports Day (May 08, 2019) I will have office hours in 209b
during 12.00-14.00.

 My office hours at 15.00 will not take place.

piątek, 26 kwietnia 2019

Homework assignment for the break!

Here is the homework assignment.

Note that the due day is May 7, 20.00 (the day before Sport Day!) That bit of irony was unintentional.

Anyhoo, remember to put your last name in the name of the document that you send me.

See y'all on May 9!

piątek, 22 marca 2019

wtorek, 8 stycznia 2019