poniedziałek, 22 maja 2023

Class Scheduling for May 23-25, 2023... and the Rest of the Year!

First for all groups:

I will have special office hours tomorrow from 9:45 to 11.15 in 119B.

If I have not seen your outline in person then you are strongly advised to bring it then. You may also bring an outline that I've already seen if you want/need more feedback.

Also.... we are now in the home stretch and it is crunch time (to use sports idioms).

With this week included there are only 4 (four) more classes for group one on Tuesday and only 3 (three) for groups two and three on Thursday.

Therefore we need to make maximum use of the time left.

Every class needs to have at least three (3) people ready with presentations. I have no problem with scheduling an extra class at the end for those who didn't have time in class to do presentations..... as long as no class time is wasted ahead of time.

Remember, if you don't do your academic presentation in class then you can't take the final in June.

To help us stay on track and on schedule I'm keeping a graphic with student names and days for each week and will be sending messages by means of chat on teams to make sure people will be ready.

Since group one is liable to finish first, some people from group two (and/or three) might want to think about doing their presentation with group one (Tuesday 11.30-13.00). Don't be afraid they're not that mean.

Time will be tight but I'm sure we can pull together and finish on time!

See y'all in class (and office hours!)

niedziela, 14 maja 2023

Information on Classes This Week!

There will be no class on Tuesday May 16, 2023.

Although most classes are cancelled on May 18, I will hold a special make-up class (for all groups) from 11.00-13.00 (the room number will be posted on the door of 216B).

More details on this class can be found here.

See y'all in class!


piątek, 12 maja 2023

Quick Survey About Next Week's Class!

 I might not be here on Tuesday (May 16, 2023), and although class is cancelled because of the Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki, I’ve determined that nothing loud will be happening on the second floor of B (where the institute is).

We don’t have that many weeks left and there are lots of students who need to do academic presentations (remember.... no academic presentation means no admittance to exam).

So, my idea is that we could have a special class on Thursday, May 18 from 11.00-13.00. This would be open to students from all three groups. There would be spots for up to three or four presentations. Since each presentation needs an audience some would have to volunteer to come and listen. 

Questions and answers will not be required and the feedback will mostly be by me. Each student who attends will get credit for two extra attendances (in the calculation of grades).

Another possibility would be for me to have extended office hours for consultations about outlines.

So, please go here and write your name and group number under the heading that applies to you.

Here's that address again:



poniedziałek, 8 maja 2023

Class Materials for May 09-11, 2023 and Office Hours Wednesday (May 10!)

This week we begin Academic presentations! Yay! Hooray!

It would behoove you to have a copy of this with you (you should already have it).

Each person doing a presentation should have copies of their outline for themselves, each student in class and for your instructor (me).

Group one: 13 copies

Group two: 15 copies

Group three: 13 copies

In addition I will be having special extra office hours on Wednesday May 10, 12:00-15.00 (or by appointment) to go over outlines with students. I will probably be in 212aB (if not I'll leave a message on the door to 216B about where to find me).

Be sure to send me a copy of your outline ahead of time on teams (or outlook....) or be able to send it when you show up.

środa, 3 maja 2023

Office Hours instead of Class on May 04, 2023

Here's hoping everyone has enjoyed the very looong weekend!

Now... back to reality!

On Thursday, May 04, 2023 I will have office hours in lieu of class.

Office hours will be in 212aB (usual classroom) and will take place from 9:45-13.00 and will be for all groups (1, 2 and 3).

Anyone who wants to go over the outline of their academic presentation (from any group) is strongly encouraged to come and to send me an outline ahead of time (email or teams). 

Otherwise, you can also bring me a printed version of your outline.

See y'all (or some of y'all) tomorrow in office hours!

poniedziałek, 1 maja 2023

Outline from Class (April 25-27, 2023)

A bit (okay... very much) later than I'd intended but here are the outlines from class!

I put comments in yellow.

If I took off something you can still mention it during your presentation but it doesn't need to be on the outline itself.

Feel free to write (email, teams) if you have questions.

I plan on being at the university for office hours (discussion of outlines) on May 04, 2023.

You can also send a message and set up a consultation with me on teams.

We should start academic presentations next week in class... yay!
