wtorek, 18 czerwca 2024

Class Materials for June 19, 2024

Nothing to download. We'll be finishing the academic presentations.

If you have not sent me an outline then please do so as soon as possible!

Note to Group 3: We'll need to do 4 (four) presentations maybe running a bit over time. Please do your best to be on time so we can start earlier than usual.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 17 czerwca 2024

poniedziałek, 10 czerwca 2024

Class Materials for June 11-12, 2024

 This week we will continue the academic presentations.

See the schedule here: If you cannot present on the scheduled day then you need to find someone else (not already scheduled for that day) who can take your place. Time is _very_ tight.

For groups 2 and 3: If you want to reserve a place on the last day you should also contact me.

Later this week I'll post 8 topics that the 4 prompts for the final exam will be taken from.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 3 czerwca 2024

Class Materials for June 04-05, 2024

This week we will continue the academic presentations.

See the schedule here: If you cannot present on the scheduled day then you need to find someone else (not already scheduled for that day) who can take your place. Time is _very_ tight.

Special message for group 3: Due to the absolute heroes who went above and beyond the call of duty last week, your situation isn't as dire as it was. 

All hail the heroes of May 29!!!!

If anyone in group 3 can present with group 1 (on June 11) or group 2 (June 19) please let me know as soon as possible.

If someone can then I would not have to schedule any additional classes to give everyone the chance to present (presuming we can stay on schedule). Also there is another student I'd like to offer one of those slots to but your group has priority since it's the largest.

See y'all in class!

wtorek, 28 maja 2024


As you may have heard, dean's hours have been declared on May 29, starting at 13.00.

This does not affect group 2 which will meet as usual, but it is terrible news for group 3 which meets at 13.15.

Therefore I will remain in the class after 13.00 and if a couple of students are ready with their academic presentation show up along with an audience (at least 5 or 6 total students). I will meet and listen to the presentations.

Anyone present will get extra credit and it will keep the group from getting too too far behind.

Maybe see some people at 13.15.....

or not....

it's all up to y'all.....

poniedziałek, 27 maja 2024

Class Materials for May 28-29, 2024

We will continue with academic presentations this week.

If you are scheduled but cannot present, then it is your responsibility to make sure at least three of those scheduled will be ready (or trade with someone scheduled for a later date who can take your place).

Schedule can be found here.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 20 maja 2024

Class Materials for May 21-22, 2024

 Okay! We are starting academic presentations this week!

The crowd goes wild!

In honor of the occasion I have posted the schedule here.

Note that if you are unable to present on the day you are listed for but there are a total of three presentations anyway then that's okay. If you, for any reason, don't present when scheduled and there aren't three presentations that day then you go to the end of the line and will present only on a time available basis after everyone else.

Note also, that you may change your date (in agreement with another student) write me an email with the change and I will make it on the schedule.

As for the presentations themselves the format is slightly different from the general interest presentation, the changes are meant to make the presentation a bit more like the exam.

The student gives everyone but me a copy of your handout.
The student then leaves the room and waits in the hall.
I come out into the hall and briefly speak to the student then I go back into the room.
The student waits a few seconds, enters, gives me my handout and goes to the front of the room and waits for the cue from me to begin.
The student delivers their presentation (I'll give the time cues as before) then thank the audience and ask for questions.
At some point in the Q&A I will say 'Thank you' and then the student leaves the room (to horrible, horrible silence).

Then I open the door and the student comes back into the room cheers and applause.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 13 maja 2024

Class Materials for May 14-15, 2024

For this week...

I've had almost a complete computer meltdown last weekend so I'm a bit behind. I think I've responded to everyone who's sent me an outline. If I haven't sent yours back then write again.

If you are even close to ready to do a presentation then bring copies for yourself, me and the other students and have at it!

Feel free to write me by email if you are unsure if you're ready (you're ready).

We will  also discuss the paragraph we did a couple of weeks ago and academic presentations and maybe some writing exercises.

See y'all in class

poniedziałek, 6 maja 2024

This week - More Opportunities to Discuss your Academic Presentation!

Due to the existence of a dumb, phony holiday on Wednesday.... once more on Tuesday I will be having office hours for people to discuss their academic outlines. From 11.30-13.00 in 119B. And then in 216B from 15.00 to around 15.30...

I will also be holding consultations on academic topics/outlines on Wednesday from 11.30-14.30, also in 119B.

So that's lots of time to come and see me and discuss your presentation!

To discuss your academic outline either send it by email or bring it printed.

I'm strongly hoping that we can begin academic presentations next week (and I will be heavily pressuring people about that).

See some, maybe many? of y'all in office hours!



poniedziałek, 29 kwietnia 2024

Class Announcement for all Groups for April 30, 2024

This week, instead of class I will be holding office hours in 119B from 11.15-13.15 (and in 216B after 15.00).

Students from all groups are encouraged to come to talk about academic outlines as I am hoping to start Academic presentations during the week of May 14-15.

In addition, I will soon send you scans of the paragraphs you did last week (via email) with the request that you type them and submit them to the usual place (there will be a separate post about this later).

Please send your outline (preferably by email) and/or have it on paper when you see me.

So see some of you tomorrow and everybody have a great May long holiday weekend!

poniedziałek, 22 kwietnia 2024

Class Materials for April 23-24, 2024

This week we will be doing another writing exercise.

Also, everyone is expected to have, either on paper or in a form they can send to me by email (not a pdf), a first draft (it can be _very_ basic) of their academic outlines or should be prepared to talk to me while others are working.

See y'all in class!


poniedziałek, 15 kwietnia 2024

Class Materials for April 16-17, 2024

 For this week, first you'll need this.

We'll also go over the supporting details and conclusions you supplied from last week.

If you have not submitted that yet, then do so before class at the link below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej'). 

If anyone can send (very) provisional academic outlines to me by email (or post at the same link below) before class that would also be welcome.

 See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 8 kwietnia 2024

Class Materials for April 09-10, 2024

This week there's nothing to download because we will be doing writing exercises!

You will need the download link for after class. It is below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

Also hopefully... several people will have preliminary versions of your academic outlines (and those who haven't yet will give me you academic topic sheet). 

Here is the exercise:

So you should end up with three or four supporting details for the topic sentence you choose (not from your group) and then a conclusion and post them at the link below.

See y'all in class!

wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2024

Class Materials for April 03, 2024

Sorry about last week, but, yadda yadda yadda....

Anyhoo, I'm back this week and better than ever!


For this week you'll need this on our exercise last week.

We will be continuing to wind up general interest presentations

You'll also need to bring this, filled out and printed. Even if you've sent it to me, please print it out as well so that I don't have to.

See y'all in class!

wtorek, 26 marca 2024

UPDATE: My Classes are Cancelled on March 27, 2024

Due to circumstances beyond my control I won't be able to make it to the university on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

So... classes are cancelled.

Have a Happy Easter and see you back in class on April 03, 2024.

poniedziałek, 18 marca 2024

Class Materials for March 19-20, 2024 UPDATE!!!!!


I am planning on going to the university tomorrow (or trying to....) in order to hold classes in the usual fashion. If you are from outside of Poland and can't make it (or if the city gets jammed up) then.... you can't.

But I hate remote classes and would rather not do those as they usually seem like a waste of time.

So I'll try to make it to Collegium Novum and if it doesn't work then I'll see you next week.

See y'all (or some o' y'all) in class!


Okay, for this week. We will...

have a general interest presentation or two.

We will also have a writing exercise or two.

You should either have this printed or at least be able to mention a possible topic or two. The deadline for giving me your academic topic sheet will be next week (March 26-27).

See y'all in class!