poniedziałek, 13 grudnia 2021

Class Materials for December 14-16, 2021

 Okay, classes are back... and better than ever!

This week's class is a Christmas lesson!

   My thoughts exactly....

 Do feel free to bring holiday treats!

There will be material though, so you'll need two things.

The first is this.

The second is this.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 6 grudnia 2021

Class Information for December 07-09, 2021

Four things:

First: Things are a bit more complicated this week.

Tuesday: No classes 

Thursday: Classes will indeed take place and students will need:

The first are the prompts for the essay.

The second is the intro to the review.

Two: After the second class at 13.00 I will hold office hours until 14.00 for students  from any group (1, 2 or 3) who have general interest presentation outlines (or other things or questions or whatever). This will still be in the classroom.

See y'all (on Thursday) in class!

Three: Next week (December 14-16) will be a Christmas lesson so those people who want to bring Xmas treats are encouraged.

Four: Have a good week and stay healthy!


wtorek, 23 listopada 2021

Consultations Wednesday through Friday (November 24-26, 2021)

 I will be available by appointment. If you want to consult me, send me a message on teams and I will get back with you to establish a time to meet on my office hours group.

poniedziałek, 22 listopada 2021

Class Materials for November 23-25, 2021

Once more, alas, there is no class this week. 

But I will be available for consultation.

I will be available tomorrow from 13.00-15.00 (or by appointment)*

I will also be available on Wednesday through Friday (hours to be announced a day ahead of time).


Send me a message on teams and I will add you to the office hour group. Make sure you have sent any outline that you want to discuss to my email (or to teams).

For part of the time I might have a sign that says "Say something to let me know you're there". Just start talking and give me a minute or two to respond.

If I'm away from the computer for longer, then there will be info on when I will be back.

The main thing to discuss would be people's general interest presentation outlines though other topics are welcome as well.

*send me an email or message on teams and we can agree on a time to consult 

piątek, 19 listopada 2021

No office hours today...

 Due to circumstances beyond my control....











there will be no office hours today....

During the weekend I will announce office hours for Monday...

środa, 17 listopada 2021

Office hours on Teams (Thursday, November 18, 2021)

 I will be available tomorrow on my office hour group on teams tomorrow from 13.30-16.30.


Send me a message on teams and I will add you to the office hour group. Make sure you have sent any outline that you want to discuss to my email (or to teams).

For part of the time I might have a sign that says "Say something to let me know you're there". Just start talking and give me a minute or two to respond.

If I'm away from the computer for longer, then there will be info on when I will be back.

The main thing to discuss would be people's general interest presentation outlines though other topics are welcome as well.

Tomorrow I'll also announce separate hours for Friday.

poniedziałek, 15 listopada 2021

Class Materials for November 16, 18, 2021


There are three (3) important bits of news this week.

First, there is no class this week. Last Saturday, I went outside and my clothes were not thick and/or warm enough.










(Recreation of real events)

Now I have a cold....











So, I'm staying home till I'm better.

Second, I've created groups for classes on teams (just in case).

So, check your teams and make sure you've been added to the right group. If not, then send me a message (on teams) and I will add you.

Third, I will be having online office hours on teams Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I will make a notification her (and send messages to the group on teams) when I've decided what hours.

So... see you next week!

sobota, 30 października 2021

Link for prompts


A day late, but the link for posting the prompts is below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

I'll be using this page for the rest of the year so you might want to bookmark it for quick and easy use.


poniedziałek, 11 października 2021

Class Materials for October 12-14, 2021

For this week you'll need 2 (two) things.

But first, if you know anyone from group 3 (Thursday 9:45) please let them now about this blog!

Getting back to the class materials....

The first is this.

The second is this.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 4 października 2021

First Post of the Year! (Second Year English)

Welcome to the blog for Second Year English (Writing and Public Speaking)!

You should check the contents each week the night before class (by 19.00).

Assignments will be posted and other announcements will be made here (and on teams).

Looking forward to the coming year!


piątek, 14 maja 2021

Assignment for next week...

 For this week, please update and resubmit your outlines, this time with bibliographies.

Submit below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

środa, 12 maja 2021

Class Materials for May 13, 2021

 Class is cancelled tomorrow. I will post a homework assignment tomorrow afternoon and inform you on teams when it is ready.


środa, 28 kwietnia 2021

środa, 14 kwietnia 2021

czwartek, 8 kwietnia 2021

After Class Post - Next Week!

 For next week I'd like to go over some academic outlines in class.

So send your first versions to the link below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

They don't have to be complete, just what you have so far.

Don't send bibliographies yet, just what you have of the outlines.

Sending them by Tuesday, April 13, 2021 is requested.

Be sure to include your name and group.


środa, 7 kwietnia 2021

środa, 31 marca 2021

środa, 24 marca 2021

Class Materials for March 25, 2021

For this week, two things...

The first thing is about your academic outlines.

The second is this (you should already have it). 

First, we'll go over the academic outline format. If you didn't go over your academic topics with me last time then be prepared to do so this time.

Any time left over will be devoted to the short speeches....

See y'all in class!

czwartek, 11 marca 2021

After Class Post (Next week's assignment)

 You should come up with three (or more if you want) potential topics for your academic outline.

These topics should be related to something you are studying or have studied after high school. For the purposes of the class, “academic” is defined as requiring some specialized knowledge on the part of the audience to be understood. The best topic is something you have a personal academic interest in. For a student of ethnolinguistics, acceptable topics can be related to:


-your specialist language (Spanish, Chinese, Thai, Khmer, Persian etc)

-some other class you have taken in the institute.

The topic can be related to (this list is not exhaustive):





If you have studied or are studying outside the institute then you may choose a topic related to that.

You should submit your topics (all at the same time) on google docs (link below)

For each topic, indicate what studies it is related to and what specialized knowledge is required (this can be fairly general like “linguistics” or “the French language”

The format should be as follows (these are examples):


Topic: Person marking in Muskoghean languages

Related to: Linguistics

Specialized knowledge required: basic understanding of linguistics; knowledge of a Muskoghean (or more broadly Native American) language.


Topic: Morphological processes in sign languages

Related to: Linguistics

Specialized knowledge required: basic understanding of linguistics; knowledge of a natural sign language.


When you're ready post it at the link below the jump: (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').

Deadline: March 16, 2021 (20.00)


środa, 10 marca 2021

Class Materials for March 11, 2021

You don't need anything new (just this which I posted last week) for class.

Show up, be ready to talk (on the prompts) and be ready to be seen on camera.

See y'all in class!

piątek, 12 lutego 2021

Homework for the Break! And the paragraphs from the class!

 Here are the paragraphs we looked at during class this week.

Remember if I didn't go over your paragraph in class and you want to then contact by by email or teams so we can set up a time to meet.

Here is your homework assignment for the break:

Please remember you have to use a prompt that you didn't use the first time.

When you're done, post at the link below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej')

Have a great break (all things considered) and see you no later than March!

czwartek, 4 lutego 2021

czwartek, 28 stycznia 2021

Next week's assignment: More outlines!

Next week we'll be looking at outlines for the writing assignments again.

If we went over your outline in class and you want to revise it and send it to me again then please do so (indicate that this is a second version).

If you had sent me an outline but we did not go over it in class, then you don't need to do anything. If you want to revise it (after last week's class) then feel free to do so and send it in again.

Otherwise, those who 'volunteered' can send me one outline (from one of the three formats - essay/article, letter to the editor, review). If it is a letter to the editor send me a link to the story.

The deadline for sending me outlines will be Tuesday February 02, 2021 (20.00). You can send it to my email address (the amu . edu. pl address) or post it to me at teams.

If not enough outlines appear then any remaining time will be speaking practice (based on the topics we used today).

See you next week!


środa, 27 stycznia 2021

Class Materials for January 28, 2021

 For this week, we'll be practicing speaking while using these questions. (Which I posted last Friday).

They are divided into three groups, socio-political, everyday life and arts and entertainment.

Choose three (3) topics, that is one (1) from each group and prepare an oral response to it that would last between three and five minutes.

Do not memorize your answer. 

Do not write out a composition style answer and read it out loud.

You may make a general outline of the main points you want to make (and/or any dates or numbers or names you think you'll need) but your spoken answer should be spontaneous. Don't worry about small grammar mistakes or pauses or self-corrections - those are a necessary part of the exercise. The most important part of the exercise is to speak in a natural way for a few minutes.

After a couple of minutes or so, I might ask a question or two, so be prepared for that eventuality as well.

 See y'all in class!


piątek, 22 stycznia 2021

Outlines and discussion questions for January 28, 2021

 Okay, here are the outlines we worked on in class. I took people's names off. There are a few general pointers at the beginning.

Here are the discussion topics for next week's class (January 28, 2021).

They are divided into three groups, socio-political, everyday life and arts and entertainment.

Choose three (3) topics, that is one (1) from each group and prepare an oral response to it that would last between three and five minutes.

Do not memorize your answer. 

Do not write out a composition style answer and read it out loud.

You may make a general outline of the main points you want to make (and/or any dates or numbers or names you think you'll need) but your spoken answer should be spontaneous. Don't worry about small grammar mistakes or pauses or self-corrections - those are a necessary part of the exercise. The most important part of the exercise is to speak in a natural way for a few minutes.

After a couple of minutes or so, I might ask a question or two, so be prepared for that eventuality as well.

See y'all next Thursday!