poniedziałek, 12 grudnia 2022

poniedziałek, 28 listopada 2022

Class Materials for November 29-December 01. 2022

 This week we will continue with general interest presentations (along with extemporaneous speeches and some writing exercises).

It will be a good idea to have the evaluation criteria for presentations to hand.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 21 listopada 2022

Class Materials for November 22-24, 2022

 This week, group 1 (one) on Tuesday. We will do some extemporaneous speeches and some other stuff....

Groups 2 and 3 (two and three) on Thursday will begin with general interest presentations so it would be a good idea to have access to the evaluation guidelines!

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 14 listopada 2022

Class Materials for November 15-17, 2022

For this week you don't need to bring anything. We will be going over your first reaction paragraphs and maybe do a few extemporaneous speeches so students might want to have the evaluation guidelines at hand. And... there may be something else...

See y'all in class!

środa, 2 listopada 2022

środa, 26 października 2022

Class Materials for October 27, 2022 - November 08, 2022

Materials are here for this weeeeeek!!!

You will need three things for this week!

This presentation evaluation guide.

This information on extemporaneous speeches!

This introduction to the reaction paragraph.

Your deadline for the reaction paragraph will be November 20, 2022 at 20.00. The link for posting it will be put up later.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 24 października 2022

Link for Posting your Prompts

Please find the link for posting your prompts (click where it says 'czytaj więcej').

Remember to include your name(s) and group number(s).

poniedziałek, 13 czerwca 2022

Consultation and Office Hours for June 14-15, 2022

 There is no class this week.

Instead I will have office hours on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 in 212Bc from 8.00 to 13.00.

I will also have office hours on Wednesday June 15, 2022 from 11.00-14.00 in 216B.

You are _strongly_ advised to see me on these days since I might not be in town next week (June  20-24) and would be available only by email (see below).

If you bring an outline for your academic presentation, here are some tips.

Print it out and bring it on paper. If you want to send it to me then see below (regarding email).

IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! FRom today until the final exam begins...

Do not contact me through microsoft teams as I am not likely to have access to that. 

If you need to contact me, then use my regular university email address (without 0365). Send anything to me as an attachment not through the university intranet.

See y'all in office hours, and have a productive and successful exam session!

poniedziałek, 30 maja 2022

Class Materials for May 31, 2022 and extra office hours for June 02, 2022

For this week, the Tuesday students should just show up. We'll work on the reaction paragraph format.

For Thursday there is no class, but I will have extra office hours from 11.00-13.00 in 216B (for all students). It would be a good time to bring academic outlines! (hint hint).

I will also have my regular 15.00-16.00 office hours.

See y'all in class or office hours!

poniedziałek, 23 maja 2022

Class Materials for May 24-26, 2022 (UPDATED!)


 I was confused about the week, there WILL be class on May 26 as normal! sorry for any confusion.

This week we will be discussing academic outlines (send them to me by email, make sure there is no 0365 in the address).

I'll post the outlines after working on them in class as examples.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 16 maja 2022

środa, 4 maja 2022

Class Materials for May 05, 2022

 This week, we will continue to do general interest presentations.

 Also, I will have extra office hours from 13.15-14.45 in 212Bc.

See y'all in class!


poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2022

Class Materials for April 12-21, 2022

For these classes we will continue with general interest presentations.

For Tuesday (the 12th) only: Any extra time will be devoted to going over the reaction outlines from March 29, 2022.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 4 kwietnia 2022

Class Materials for April 05-07, 2022

 This week the Tuesday and Thursday classes are.... different because apparently the university has an urgent need to shut down Novum for a day (instead of choosing a day when no classes would take place, don't ask me... I have no idea why....)


Tuesday: We will do general interest presentations.

Thursday: We will go over your reaction paragraph outlines.

See y'all in some form or other....

poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2022

Class Materials for March 01-03, 2022

This week, you'll need two (2) things that you should already have!

But first, we begin the general interest presentations!

You'll need this.

Any time left over will be devoted to short speeches.

Also, I will be having office hours

Tuesday 13.15-14.15.

Wednesday 15.00-16.00

both in 216B

See y'all in class!

środa, 23 lutego 2022

Class Materials for February 24, 2022

 There are no materials because instead of class I will be holding consultation hours in 212cB from9.45 to 14.45. I will also be available in 216B from 15.00 to 16.30.

I will be taking a few breaks but I will be in 212cB and available to students during the breaks between classes 11.15-11.30 and 13.00-13.15 (no excuses for not showing up!).

Those in the second year who went over outlines with me should plan on meeting with me. Because we will need to start general interest presentations next week (starting March 1, 2022).

Make sure that you have either a printed copy of your outline or you can send it to me by email.

nb I do not have access to teams on campus (it's only on my home computer). So make sure you have a printed version of your outline or can send it to my email....

See some of you tomorrow!

poniedziałek, 31 stycznia 2022

Class Format for February 01, 2022

 For tomorrow, in lieu of regular class I will have consultation hours on teams.

All hours will be in the group Farris Office Hours 2021-22. If you've never been during office hours there you'll need to be added to the group. Send me a message on teams and I can add you.

If you want to go over specific work (such as a general interest presentation outline) then you'll need to send it to me as well. You can do so by email (university address) or on teams.

The consultation times will be:




Any student of any major or any group can see me during any of the three periods.

 After tomorrow, during the break, I will be available by appointment (send me an email or teams message and we'll work out a time). 

See some of y'all there!

poniedziałek, 24 stycznia 2022

Class Materials for January 25-27, 2022

 This week we are meeting on teams (blech...). If you don't have the group (Ethno II group 1, 2 or 3) then send me a message on teams and I'll add you.

Anyhoo, we'll be going over student paragraphs for this assignment.

See y'all in class....

czwartek, 20 stycznia 2022

Reaction Paragraph Assignment (deadline January 23, 2022).

 As promised during class, here is your Reaction Paragraph Assignment! (you can stop cheering now).

Your deadline is January 23, 2022 at 20.00.

Once you have completed your paragraph post it to the link below the jump (click where it says 'Czytaj więcej').


poniedziałek, 17 stycznia 2022

Class Materials for January 18-20, 2022

For this week there are three things to note....

First, here are the outlines from last week. I took off the names and put them all into a single document.

Second, this is what you'll need for this week's class. It's a good idea to print it out (or to have paper and something to write with, there will be writing during class). Also note, Thursday afternoon I will be posting an assignment on this blog.

Third, I will be doing office hours Tuesday 13.15-14.15 and Thursday 15.00-16.00. Look for me in 216B. If I'm elsewhere I'll leave a note on 216B telling you where I am. If you bring an outline for office hours make sure you print it out. It's easier/better for me to see it on paper.

See y'all in class!

poniedziałek, 10 stycznia 2022

Class Materials for January 11-13, 2022

 For this week, we'll spend part of the time going over writing outlines I've received.

Currently I have:

three from group one (on Tuesday 11.30-13.00)

one from group two (on Thursday 11.30-13.00)

one from group three (on Thursday 09.45-11.15)

So I encourage students from groups 2 and 3 to send me writing outlines either by email or on teams...

Any time left over from that will be spent doing short speeches (you should be ready with one this week).

Also, I will be having office hours on Tuesday 13.15-14.15 and Thursday 15.00-16.00 especially to look at outlines for general interest presentations. Be sure to bring the outline in paper form (printed out).

I'll either be in 215B for office hours or I'll leave a note on that door telling you where I am.

See y'all in class!

niedziela, 2 stycznia 2022

Class on January 04, 2022

For this special (hopefully one time) day of remote learning. Class will be on teams and take the form of individual consultation for any interested student (from any of the three groups).

I will be available from 11.30 to 13.00 on January 04, 2022 on teams in the group Farris Office Hours 2021-22. If you are not a member and wish to consult with me, then send a message in the teams chat (or an email) and I will add you to the group.

If you wish to discuss an outline (preferably for the general interest presentation) then please send it to me by email or on teams ahead of time.

If you wish to consult about something else then show up.

If you have nothing to consult me about then I will see you (hopefully) in person next week.